Tuesday, 21 July 2009


Hello all,

Well, we had a very busy weekend.   Our Zia (auntie) was in from Italy - she came to visit and accompany us to the Fox terrier Fun Day.  The Fun Day is the biggest annual fund raiser for the Fox Terrier Rescue.  It was held on a fabulous farm on Sunday - we were really excited.  D had all our bags ready next to the door the night before!

Well, we set off nice and early on Sunday morning - and as soon as we got there it started raining!  Typical English weather in July.  D did bring the sunscreen just in case - we called it wishful thinking.  There were lots of doggies there - and Paddy and I met so many - Paddy kept trying to play - and I kept trying to take their treats!

We would run out and enjoy the events - then it would rain and we ran back to our cars - here we are in the back of the moving kennel (ie our car) waiting for some food!  D brought some very nummy cheese scones...

There were lots of events and a Raffle - I won a 3rd place Yellow Ribbon and Paddy won a 5th place Ribbon - but D says we are always No 1 in her books.  There were lots and lots of goodies given and we even won some stuff in the Raffle.    Like this very fine Bandana - which looks really good on Paddy we think...

There was a Best Dressed event too!  It was a lot of fun - and the organisers did a super job!  As always a lot of effort was put in and a lot of people enjoyed themselves!  We took a few extra visits to the BBQ!  I entered the slowest sausage scoffer contest and came 4th!  I then stole a second sausage - it is very exhausting all these competitions - I had to keep my strength up.  My favourite part of the event...the BBQ ... they kept it going no matter what the weather - that is true Terrier Owner Spirit!

D and Paddy sat outside and braved some of the rain - we were prepared - brollies, blankies, and towels...

Here are more photos (a lot of them) from the Fun day - we all had a great time and want to thank the organisers for all their hard work again this year!

Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy

Thursday, 16 July 2009

No Tongue Action!

Hello all!

D is very sorry that we haven't posted earlier - we may need to get a new typist!  Well,  she has tried really hard to get some Tongue action photos for the Rocky Creek Scotties contest.  Sadly she thinks we are too behaved and hasn't gotten any good photos!  She spent a whole morning feeding me peanut butter in an attempt to get some photos - but I ate a lot of peanut butter and this is the best of the lot...

She then went on to fatten Paddy with peanut butter - and got nowhere -  there is one on an earlier post of him eating ice cream - here is the best of a bad lot...

So we have decided to add two photos of our cousin, Tattoo - he lives in Canada and is a very handsome Husky - we would like to meet him one day - maybe we will...

We hope everyone has been well - we will be dropping by the blogs we missed and catching up.  Lots of (hidden tongue) licks to everyone 

Sally and Paddy